We said goodbye to a very eventful 2024 with our traditional Christmas brunch.🎄
We had several students defending their thesis and new members joining us. Grants! We were awarded the ERC starting grant, a DFG grant for the investigation of gastric cancer, the Württembergische Krebspreis and we are honoured to be part of the DFG funded research program GRK 2381 and the BMBF funded project ResCPa. We went to conferences in Boston and Dublin and had our first TeamJJ retreat in Kleinwalsertal. We were sporty too and won the soccer tournament in summer. ☀️😎
Last but not least Martina defended her cookie contest title at the iFIT Christmas event.🥇

...And what's coming next?
Our first TeamJJ paper is on the way and first PhD projects are being wrapped up 📝
Excited for 2025! 🎆✨